Social care services

The purpose for the provision of social care services is to ensure that quality of life does not decrease for persons who, due to their age, illness or functional disorders cannot ensure this quality through their own efforts. Social care services in Latvia are provided and financed by the State and municipalities.

Purpose & Provision of social care services

The purpose for the provision of social care services is to ensure that quality of life does not decrease for persons who, due to their age, illness or functional disorders cannot ensure this quality through their own effort. A person’s right to receive social care services in certain life situations is a component of a person’s human right to health.

Social care services may be provided:

  • at the place of residence of a person, ensuring home care and rehabilitation
  • at day care and social rehabilitation institutions
  • at group apartments (group houses)
  • at service apartments, night shelters or shelters
  • at long-term social care and social rehabilitation institutions.

Right to receive social care services 

According to the Law on Social Services and Social Assistance, two groups of persons have the right to receive social care services financed by the State or municipality:

  • orphans and children left without parental care 
  • persons who have objective difficulties in taking care of themselves due to functional disorders. For example, persons with certain types of disabilities

These persons may receive social care services which are necessary for the particular person’s individual needs.

Read more about the right to health and persons with disabilities in this Guide. 

Social care at long-term social care and social rehabilitation institutions

Sometimes the best choice in providing social care services for a person is at a long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution. These institutions ensure housing, individual social care and social rehabilitation for a person. A long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution may also provide for the fulfilment of a medical treatment plan determined by a medical practitioner.

The Law on Social Services and Social Assistance specifies which persons have the right to receive social services at long-term social care and social rehabilitation institutions.

Social care & State financing

The Law on Social Services and Social Assistance determines which social care services are financed by the State and which are financed by municipalities. 

Several groups of persons who receive social care services are released from the patient co-payment:

  • persons who receive health care at home
  • persons with disabilities (Group I and II)
  • persons who receive services at long-term social care and social rehabilitation institutions 


Last updated 26/04/2024