The legal regulation of health care is extensive and different in every country.

Article 111 of the Constitution of Latvia provides:

"The State shall protect human health and guarantee a basic level of medical assistance for everyone."

In Latvia, the key law regulating the health care system is the Medical Treatment Law

This law contains provisions on:

  • medical professions (doctors, dentists, midwives, paramedics, etc.)
  • medical institutions
  • rights and obligations of medical personnel
  • the treatment of different illnesses
  • different types of expert-examination, and others

Patient rights are regulated by the Law on the Rights of Patients

Specialised categories of health care, as well as health protection are regulated by separate laws:

There are also various Cabinet Regulations which set out more detailed procedures regarding the health care system and health protection in Latvia.

See the other normative documents related to health care in Latvia.


Last updated 26/06/2023