Due to their status, migrants often have limited access to health care in their destination country. Many also experience mental health issues: severe stress, anxiety, depression or other serious conditions. Detention centres are often overcrowded and unsanitary, which also poses a threat to health.

Health-related difficulties

Migrants may face numerous health-related difficulties at the destination state, such as

  • not being able to pay for health care services
  • loss of medical records on previously received diagnosis and treatments
  • no access to information on health matters (e.g., due to the language barrier)
  • undocumented migrants may not seek medical help in order not to get deported
  • working in unsafe and health-endangering conditions

note The special rights, including the health care aspects of migrant workers, are set out in the United Nations International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families. Unfortunately, only a few states are party to it, and Latvia has not signed it.

Health care services provided by the State

In Latvia, the right to receive State-paid health care services also applies to:

Asylum seekers are additionally entitled to:

Read more about conditions and treatment, including the medical aid in the context of detention in immigration and asylum.


Last updated 03/06/2023