For how long can involuntary placement be applied as a security measure?

Human rights require that your court proceedings be completed within a reasonable time. This also means that the length of your placement in a mental health care institution, as a security measure, must not be excessive and therefore must not exceed the time periods clearly stated by law.

In Latvia, the Criminal Procedure Law states that this security measure can be applied for up to 6 months. If necessary, the investigative judge or the court may extend this period for up to 6 more months. But this must not be extended endlessly. The Criminal Procedure Law regulates the maximum extent of your placement period in a mental health care institution.

Every time the investigative judge or the court extends the period of your security measure, the decision has to specifically explain, and justify in detail, why the placement needs to be extended in your case.

What human rights violation may there be?

Extended unjustified involuntary placement in a mental health care institution may result in the violation of the right to liberty and the security of a person.


Last updated 22/07/2023