How to complain about the decisions of the police?

In certain situations you might be taken to a mental health care institution by the State police or municipal police. If you believe that the police did not have legal grounds to take you to a mental health care institution, you have the right to make a complaint. 

State police


You can complain about the behaviour of a State police officer to his/her direct supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for considering your application and must issue a decision within one month on whether your rights were violated. The decision must indicate where and when you can appeal the decision if necessary. You can read more about the procedure for complaints on the website of the State Police.


If your rights were violated, you can also claim compensation for the material and/or moral damages you suffered. You can submit the compensation claim together with your complaint. If a violation is established, you application will be forwarded to the relevant authority, which can assess whether you are entitled to compensation and the amount. 

Municipal police


You can complain about the behaviour of a municipal police officer to the head of the relevant municipal police. The head is responsible for considering your application and must issue a decision within one month on whether your rights were violated. This decision must indicate where and when you can appeal the decision, if necessary.


If your rights were violated, you can also claim compensation for the material and/or moral damages you suffered. You can submit the compensation claim together with your complaint. If a violation is established, your application will be forwarded to the relevant authority which can assess whether you are entitled to compensation and the amount. 


Last updated 22/07/2023