Negotiation with the other parent

Before submitting an official return request to state institutions, you should first try to settle the issue through peaceful communication with the other parent and ask him/her to return the child voluntarily. It is in the best interests of the child to avoid potentially long and devastating formal return procedures, which may negatively affect your child and prolong the separation period.

Counselling & Mediation

You may turn to the competent institutions (in Latvia: the Orphan’s Court and the Ministry of Justice) for counselling and mediation in order to settle the dispute. The competent institutions should also offer the parent who has wrongfully removed the child an opportunity to return him/her voluntarily.

Voluntary return after the submission of a request

If, after your application, the Latvian Ministry of Justice has submitted a formal request for a child’s return to the central authority of the state of his/her current residence, the central authority will first take the necessary measures to ensure the voluntary return of the child. Where the voluntary return of a child will not be possible, this dispute will be further decided in a court in the state of your child’s current residence. 

Read more about how to request a child’s return and the return proceedings in a court


Last updated 21/10/2020