Families with three and more children

In Latvia, families with three and more children are entitled to additional state and municipal support.


In order to receive special support, there must be at least three children in the family, including foster children and adopted children, who are up to 18 years old, or up to 24 years old and continuing studies.

Types of support

Additional support for families with three and more children include:

  • additional paid vacation to the parents (if all children are up to 16 years old)
  • reduced vehicle operation tax for one vehicle owned by a family member
  • reduced property tax
  • discounts for tickets on regional public transport
  • increased monthly family state benefits for second, third and other children in a family, such as family allowance and an additional payment to the state family allowance.
  • exemptions from certain court fees 
  • exemptions of fees in Registers of Civil Status Documents
  • reduced costs for the electricity used in the household
  • reduced age for receiving retirement pensions for parents of five and more children

Several municipalities also provide additional support to families with three and more children. You can learn more about this by contacting social services or social department of your municipality. 

note The variety of support is subject to change. You can learn about the current types of support applicable in your situation in the law or contact the competent public institution in your situation, for example, the State Social Insurance Agency or your municipality.


Last updated 20/09/2022