A court order on temporary protection against violence provides a number of protection remedies to ensure a victim’s safety.

One or more of the following preventive measures against violence may be granted by the court:

  • An obligation for the perpetrator/defendant to leave and a prohibition on returning or staying in the housing
  • A prohibition on the perpetrator/defendant from being closer to housing than the distance specified by the court
  • A prohibition on the perpetrator/defendant from being at places specified in the court decision
  • A prohibition on the perpetrator/defendant from meeting or having physical or visual contact with the victim/claimant
  • A prohibition on the perpetrator/defendant from communicating with the victim/claimant by any means
  • A prohibition on the perpetrator/defendant from communicating with the victim/claimant or organizing a meeting by using the mediation of other persons
  • A prohibition on the perpetrator/defendant from using the personal data of the victim/claimant
  • Other prohibitions and obligations on the perpetrator/defendant as specified by the court in its decision

Similarly, as in the case of the decision on separation, in the case of temporary protection against violence as well, the protection of the victim’s rights to life, physical and psychological integrity prevail over the property rights of the perpetrator. Therefore, the perpetrator of domestic violence may be ordered to leave and prohibited from returning to his/her housing, even if he owns that property or if that residence is his declared address.


Last updated 29/07/2019