How do you complain about abuse by border guards?


If you believe that border guards have abused you or disrespected your rights, you should submit a complaint to the regional unit where the border guards concerned are employed. Even if you submit your complaint to the wrong person or regional unit, it is their duty to forward your complaint to the correct unit or person.

What to write

When filing a complaint, you should explain all the relevant facts, the type of violation, how it occurred and add any evidence that you have. The institution may ask you for additional explanations or documentation, if necessary.


The regional unit is responsible for investigating the circumstances of your abuse or the disrespect for your rights. If you complain, they will consider whether the behaviour that you have complained about should result in a disciplinary or even criminal violation. In the case of a possible criminal violation, the regional unit has to act accordingly and must forward the complaint to the Internal Security Bureau. The regional unit may ask you for additional explanations or documents, if necessary. You have the right to receive a response to your application in writing within one month.


If you are not satisfied with the decision of the regional unit, you can appeal their decision to a higher institution. In their decision, the regional unit has to indicate where you can appeal and when.


If you have suffered damages as a result of abuse by border guards, you can also ask for compensation.

Read more about compensation:

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Last updated 08/12/2016