How do you claim compensation for the unlawful activities of investigating authorities?

Right to compensation

You can seek compensation if you suffered damages as a result of police mistreatment during an investigation. You may suffer damages that result in material losses. Mistreatment may also leave psychological effects and suffering, for which you can seek moral compensation.

Compensation in a criminal case

An investigator may open a criminal case against police officers on the basis of your complaint. In this situation, you can seek compensation for damages as a victim in criminal proceedings. If the compensation claim cannot or cannot fully redress your damages within criminal proceedings, you have a right to seek these damages by filing a civil claim as well.  In some cases, you as a victim, also have the right to compensation from the State. Read more about this in the Law on State Compensation to Victims.

Compensation in administrative proceedings

There may also be situations where the actions of police officers will not qualify as a criminal offence. But, this does not mean that certain activities of police officers during the investigation did not violate your rights. In these situations, the prosecution can only issue a decision, which states whether certain behaviour during the investigation amounted to a violation of your rights. They cannot decide to grant you compensation for damages.

In such a case you can raise a claim against the State in a court of general jurisdiction (civil court) based on Article 92 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. You can use the decision of the prosecution as evidence that an unlawful activity took place, as a result of which you sustained damages.


Last updated 28/03/2023